Five Features Your Caravan Needs for Camping in the Outback

The bush isn't remote enough for you. Instead, you want to head into the outback to experience the rugged beauty and the silence. If so, you need a caravan that can help you weather this lonely terrain. Here are some features you need:

1. Sturdy suspension for bumps in the road

The roads in remote locations don't get as much attention as the roads in urban areas. As a result, you need a caravan with suspension that can handle bumps and tyres that aren't afraid of dirt roads or even a bit of offroading.

2. Lots of storage for food, water and poop

Storage is essential in the outback. In the absence of lots of stores, you need to be able to stockpile food, and you need a place to store any garbage you produce. Also, pay attention to the storage capacity of your water tanks. You need access to ample amounts of potable water, and you need to ensure that your waste water storage tanks will meet your needs between dumping sites.

3. A generator or extra battery for self-contained power

In most cases, if you are camping at an established campground, you can just plug your caravan into its power. However, if you plan to be in the outback, you need to be able to create your own power. A generator is essential for this. Alternatively, if you have a relatively small caravan, you may be fine with an extra recreational battery.

4. Satellite or radio antenna for communication

Unfortunately, cell phone reception can be sparse or non-existent in the outback. As a result, if you want to stay connected, you should consider an alternative. You can use satellite phones or radios to communicate throughout most of the outback, and if you want your caravan to help you receive signals for either, you may want to invest in an antenna attached to the top of it.

If you are buying a caravan with a built-in GPS, you also want to ensure that it can work in the outback, but you may also want to brush up on your map reading skills and pack a few maps as well to be on the safe side.

5. A spare tyre for emergencies

Many caravans are sold without spare tyres, but if you are going to be in a remote location with limited cell phone coverage, you may want to insist on a spare tyre. Most importantly, look for a caravan with enough under-the-floor storage to comfortably accommodate a spare tyre. That allows you to get through emergencies like flat or blown tyres -- just don't forget the jack or the spanners either.

So as you're browsing caravan sales, make sure to pick out a caravan that has all of these essentials!
