Buying a Used Car? Important Things You Need To Know About Pre-Purchase Inspection

The trick to purchasing used cars is to know what you are buying. For this reason, the most significant thing you will have to do is take the vehicle for a thorough pre-purchase inspection. This inspection will enable you to steer clear of hidden problems in the previously-owned vehicle, which can save you from costly repairs down the road. Here are other things you need to know about pre-purchase inspection of a used car.

Why the Pre-Purchase Inspection

A good pre-purchase inspection will serve several functions. First, the inspection will confirm the condition level of the vehicle by verifying the equipment on the car. This is important because it reveals hidden problems with the body, frame, and the engine. For instance, the inspector may find engine codes, which show various engine problems. The inspection seeks to build confidence in the vehicle's value so that you are satisfied with the option.

Possible Issues That Can Be Spotted

Odour: Sniff the interior when you first open the door. A mouldy or musty smell could be a sign of water leaks. In addition, an acrid smell may indicate that the vehicle was used by a smoker. Some odours like smoke or mould can sometimes be hard to get rid of. This doesn't mean you necessarily have to look for another option if you don't like the smell. Air fresheners or odour eliminators should do the trick with the smoke smell.

Poor Previous Repairs: Your chosen auto mechanic may identify improper installation of equipment or modifications as well as sloppy bodywork which may cause problems to the car.

Frame Damage: Vehicles that have been in serious accidents may show damaged frames. Unless repaired correctly, the wheels of the vehicle may not track properly, leading to vehicle pulls and eventual tyre damage.

Where to Inspect

You can either take the vehicle to a garage inspection or have your local mechanic inspect it. A local mechanic inspection is fast as well as convenient and the mechanic can actually perform the inspection on-site in your home or at your office place. If your local service dealership specializes in that brand of vehicle, then you are assured of specialized equipment being used for inspection.

Utilizing the Information

If the inspection reveals certain problems, but not significant to warrant breaking the deal, utilize this information for negotiating the price with the seller in good faith. If you are not satisfied with the defects, you can always walk away because it's an investment and you will be responsible later on if something isn't working.

For more information on pre purchase car inspections, talk to a professional.
