Regular Maintenance Helps You Avoid Expensive Truck Service Bills

There are many things that you can do that will help to extend the life of your truck, and keep you from having to go to a mechanic for truck service more than is absolutely necessary. The more you do to maintain your truck, the longer, and better it is going to work. Maintenance isn't all that difficult, and there are some things you can do while you are at the filling station in just a couple of minutes, such as checking and topping up the oil, and checking the air pressure on the tires and filling if necessary. Other things that you can do keep your truck well-maintained and avoid expensive truck service include:

Oil Changes

In addition to checking and topping up the oil in your truck regularly, it is also important that the oil be changed regularly. Generally, it is recommended that the oil be changed about every 8,000 kilometres. This will insure that all motor parts are well-lubricated, and that there will be no buildup of sludge in the motor due to dirty oil. To find the manufacturer's recommendation for oil changes, check the sticker that is located on the inside of the front driver's side door. A good way to remember when you need to have the oil changed is to mark down the mileage after an oil change. Then, watch your mileage, and once you have driven 8,000 kilometres, make an appointment for another oil change.

Change the Air Filter

Truck service also includes changing the air filter. This should be done about every 20,000 kilometres or so. The air filter gets clogged up with dirt over time, and this reduces the efficiency of the engine, as well as fuel efficiency. There will also be more harmful emissions when there is too much dirt in the filter. This is an easy job to do, and little to no mess involved. You can easily change the air filter in just a few minutes.

Rotate the Tires

It is important that your truck tires regularly. The front tires need to be moved to the rear, and vice versa. This is because the tires in the front will wear in different ways. This can create alignment issues, which can be dangerous, especially in inclement weather conditions. Most people tend to rotate their tires about every 8,000 to 15,000 kilometres. This is going to help you save money, because you won't be going to a truck service center as often for new tires.

For more information on truck servicing, check out companies such as Duns Bros
