Getting Your Car Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse

While the zombie apocalypse has not arrived yet, that doesn't mean it's not worth taking steps to be prepared. Some may choose to hunker down in abandoned real estate. Others are going to hit the road Mad Max-style to find a better environment in which to live. A normal car is not really up to the task of dealing with wandering zombies. So, you may wish to ask your mechanic to perform a few necessary customizations.

Connect a Battering Ram to the Front Bumper

A heavy-duty front bumper with a makeshift battering ram secured on work wonders when zombies are swarming the road and you cannot swerve out of the way. As you have probably noticed in many zombie movies, swerving is a bad idea anyway. Doing so usually leads to hitting a tree or running into a ditch. Cars rarely survive the impact.

Removing the rubber from the bumper and sharpening the steel underneath definitely will aid in mowing down small numbers of zombies. A skilled mechanic can balance out the battering ram, so even a very heavy fixture will not make the vehicle hard to handle on the road.

Weaponize the Sun Roof

Considering the stench of the walking dead, most are not exactly going to think much about a sun roof since opening one is not exactly going to deliver fresh air. Upon turning a stretch of road and seeing far too many zombies to just run over, having a vehicle with a sun roof would be beneficial. Specially, a sun roof with a reliable a rifle bench bolted next to it would be a huge help with your head shot aim.  

Opening car door windows to shoot at the zombies while driving is neither practical nor safe. Connected two small rifle benches to the front and back of the sun roof allows you to protect the front and the rear quite effectively.

If the vehicle does not come with a sunroof then, you may wish to ask the mechanic such as Auto Co-Phillip to build a custom one.

Affix "Snow" Chains to the Tires

Since it does not snow in Australia, the average driver is not going to be all that familiar with how to properly affix chains to tires.While it won't snow, you are still going to need traction over, well, mashed zombies. Chains definitely will help with traction against piles of zombies and dirt roads that have become muddy during the rainy season.

You never know when the zombie apocalypse will be upon you. When it arrives, your mechanic is probably going to be a little too busy to take care of your vehicle. You might wish to zombie-proof your car the next time you bring it into routine service. Get a jump on the apocalypse.
