3 Ways To Fight Fatigue For Long Haul Hino Drivers

Driver fatigue is a serious issue when it comes to staying safe on the road. Up to 30% of road fatalities can be attributed to driver fatigue. The repercussions of driver fatigue related accidents are even more substantial when it comes to heavy vehicle accidents, largely due to the size and force of impact caused by a truck or other large commercial vehicle. Here are three ways to fight driver fatigue during the next long haul trip in your Hino truck.

1. Get enough rest

There are strict regulations regarding how long you can drive without a rest, and how much driving you can do within a twenty four hour period. It's important to adhere to these regulations for your own safety, and to avoid the hefty fines that breaching them will entail.

Some drivers may find that even when they're strictly following the guidelines they are still feeling fatigued. This may be due to a number of factors, such as illness or poor sleep while at home. If this is the case, then take extra breaks and get more sleep. You can't be penalised by your employer for staying safe while on the road.

2. Maximise visibility

Limited or compromised visibility can cause fatigue by creating eye strain and drowsiness. Make sure your windscreen is clean, and minimise eye strain by installing specially designed Hino sun visors. This will reduce glare and improve your visibility dramatically.

If you wear glasses, make sure your prescription is updated yearly, and that the lenses are free from scratches.  Glare proof coating on your glasses will also help to maximise visibility and reduce fatigue while driving at night. A pair of prescription sunglasses is also an excellent idea for driving during the day. 

3. Keep your mind active

It's easy for a long and monotonous drive to cause feelings of drowsiness. Playing music is an excellent way to keep your mind active and stay awake. Studies have also shown that listening to music can have a positive impact on a driver's mood, which can then in turn help them to drive more safely.

Installing a multimedia sound system designed for your Hino truck is a great idea. You can not only play CDs but also plug in your MP3 player, which can be loaded up with mood boosting music. This media player is also good for playing DVDs which can help you to relax while you're having your designated rest times. To pick up this truck accessory or other Hino parts, talk to your mechanic.

Fighting fatigue while on the road is incredibly important. It can mean the difference between life and death, for yourself and also for the motorists around you.
